12 Presentation Mistakes

Are you doing these Presentation Mistakes too in your sessions..! <br>Check this out.


Giving a presentation is not an easy task. While presenting something you have to take care of a lot of things. You have to make sure your presentation is not dull, confusing, or irrelevant. We are sure all you want to give an informational, engaging, and inspiring presentation.

To do that we have made a list of a few mistakes that most of us make while presenting and it is important to avoid them. So, let’s see how to give a presentation that is remembered by all. 


Here are 12 Important Presentation Mistakes To Avoid :- 

1. Not Preparing Enough 

For a presentation, you can never be too well-prepared. If you see someone giving a flawless presentation just know that he/she has been preparing it for a long time. You should know your materials inside out. When you give time to your preparation the chances of getting nervous in front of the audience come to zero. So make sure you are spending enough time preparing a presentation. 

2. Do not ignore your audience 

Do not get involved in your presentation so much that you forget your audience. Whatever you have planned it is for your audience. You should remember the needs of your audience. Just make sure you are able to form that connection with your audience.

3. Usage of inappropriate content 

Your presentation is all about the content you have prepared. Make sure you are familiar with the needs of the audience you are preparing for. You should not use anything which your audience cannot find relatable. If you want your audience to be more attentive it is important for you to use the content in your presentation that your audience is expecting. Usage of inappropriate content will only make your presentation boring for your audience. 

4. Avoiding eye contact 

In order to make a connection with your audience, it is very important for you to make a connection with your audience. Imagine being in a presentation where the presenter is only looking at his notes or on the screen. Would you be able to enjoy that presentation? We know that answer. Hence, making eye contact is very important, it also helps you in keeping people engaged. If there is a huge crowd in front of you then aim for the foreheads. Your only purpose is to let your audience know that they matter to you and you care about their presence.

5. Poor usage of visuals 

Visuals are one of the great helps that enhances your presentation. But you should know how to use them appropriately. Your presentation slides should be clean and clear. If they are overcrowded or unattractive this can make your presentation a fail. The slides should not be too informative, the image that you use should be engaging and attractive. Learn how to make your visuals attractive. This will help you to make your presentation creative. Poor usage of visuals will not only make your presentation uninteresting but also you will not feel confident about it. Visuals should be such that are helpful to you as well as your audience. 

6. Inappropriate Humor

Using your sense of humor in between the presentation is important. It lightens the environment and also keeps the audience engaged. But it is very important to use it wisely. You should know when to crack a joke. A joke should never offend your audience. Even if you should avoid the usage of humor in a professional presentation this can only make you look non-serious. Use some other methods to break the ice. Use your humor only when you think it is appropriate and is making sense to your audience. 

7. Not dressing properly 

While you are presenting your content along if you are also presenting yourself. It is necessary that you decide your dress according to the presentation you are giving whether it is a professional one or casual. Your dress should not be a center of distraction. You want your audience to focus on your presentation, not on your dressing. Be it a man or woman it is important you wear what is appropriate according to the presentation you are giving. Do not try to show your individuality while presenting something.

8. Starting or Ending a Presentation Late

Respect the time that your audience is putting in listening to you. Starting a presentation late will only make a bad impression in front of your audience before you even start the presentation. Make sure you not only start on time but also ends the presentation on time. This shows your time management skills. Taking more time in ending your presentation will take away all the attention from your audience as they will only be looking at their watches. For you, your presentation might be the most important thing but after the presentation, your audience might have many other important tasks to do. So, always respect the time of your audience. 

9. Using a monotone voice 

You might have made an amazing presentation with beautiful slides and visuals but it is you who has to say the information that you have collected. It is vital you are using an effective voice that is clear and audible. By learning voice production, breathing techniques, vocal exercises, and voice care you can make a great difference in your presentation. It is one of the primary mediums of communicating with your audience. It is important you use this as a tool and work on making it effective. 

10. Not Clarifying the Topic

While presenting a topic you should have all the details for it. Every point and slide should be clear in your mind. You never know who is sitting in your audience. Someone might be a global learner and might ask you a question just to check your knowledge. So, make sure whatever you have included in your presentation is clear to you. Do not make the mistake of assuming that your audience knows what you are going to say. You should be clear about whatever you are expected to speak. 

11. Too Much Material in Too Short a Time

It is important that your presentation is informative. But you should be aware of what and how much information you have to add. Too much information sometimes becomes annoying for the audience. You should always be ready for all the challenges that might occur in your presentation such as interruptions, malfunctions, delays, or other circumstances. Too much information will only add extra stress to your presentation. So make sure you are not using too much material in a too-short time. You should know when to stop the flow of information so that your audience remembers more.

12. Non-Functioning Equipment

We all know that there is a great need for technology while presentation, nowadays. So, it is vital you are checking your equipment before the start of your presentation. Non-functioning equipment can cause a delay in your presentation. You should also have a printout of your visuals so that even if some emergency occurs it does not affect your presentation. Non-functioning equipment is not only frustrating for your audience but will take all the attention and it will become very tough for you to get that attention back. Always have a plan ready for all the disasters that can occur in your presentation. 

Hope you find it useful. 

If you have more points to add as per your experience, Do leave in comments. 


Happy Learning.