10 Rules of Life

All the riches in the world cannot guarantee a happy and fulfilling life. You have to learn to live your life by yourself with whatever you have. For that, you can follow some simple rules that will lead to a happy life.


10 Rules Of Life

The Dalai Lama once said, “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” But it is not that easy to be happy. Although whatever we do, we either do it to be satisfied in life there comes a time when everything seems very hard. We feel we have no hold in our lives. As Buddha said, “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense.” Our brain has the tendency to make things complicated. Sometimes just by thinking we create a lot of stress in our lives. We make our own set of rules and start judging this world on behalf of those rules.

Some people spend their lives just searching for happiness. A person might get wealth, power, and fame but without contentment and satisfaction, that person won’t be happy. All the riches in the world cannot guarantee a happy and fulfilling life. You have to learn to live your life by yourself with whatever you have. For that, you can follow some simple rules that will lead to a happy life.

10 Rules Of Life For Living A Happy Life 

1. Treat Yourself Like You Want Other People To Treat You

Are you someone who keeps criticizing yourself for everything that you do? Humans tend to be very self-critical. We often do not treat ourselves with understanding and kindness. “Remember you’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. ” Louise L. Hay. Being self-compassionate gives you the ability to learn from your mistakes and bounce back with even great enthusiasm. Once you find peace within yourself the outside circumstances will reflect that too. In order to live a remarkable life just make sure that you are taking consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts. 

2. Live with gratitude

In whatever situation you are even in bad ones just feel lucky that things are not worse. Just focus on the things that are going right in your life. Count your blessings, once you feel gratitude for everything that is happening with you happiness will immediately become accessible to you even in the toughest situations. But why feel gratitude? Does it actually help? Yes, living with gratitude makes you happy because it reminds you of the positive things in your life, turns bad things into good or positive, it also reminds you of how important it is.

3. Practice Forgiveness Every Day

Forgiveness is equal to goodness. Even if someone does not deserve it showing mercy to them solves a lot of problems itself. Forgiveness heals us and allows us to move on in life. Research has proved that forgiving others provides psychological benefits. Forgiveness decreases depression, anxiety, and anger. In order to be happy forgiving others is one rule you need to apply in your life.


4. Never Lose Your Inner Child

Children are creative and they do whatever they want to do. Without thinking about how others will think, what others will say? But once we hear the word adulating, we feel like we have to behave maturely now, and slowly and gradually the child within us dies. This consciousness never allows us to express ourselves. We start making our thoughts and emotions according to other people. Live to express not to impress. Be a kid because they are always honest with their emotions, their imagination and audacity do not have any limit and they are dreamers and optimists.

5. Live In The Moment

Living in the present in different ways is really beneficial if you want to love a happy life. Although sometimes it seems hard to enjoy every moment once you start practicing it you will notice it is very helpful. It provides you better health by reducing stress and anxiety, improves your relationships, and you get great control over your mind and body. If you are worried or stressed about something just calm your mind and think that this too shall pass. Focus on solutions instead of problems. Follow this simple rule and see the magic of it.

6. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

In this competitive world, it’s tough not to compare yourself with others. We need to start examining our achievements and accomplishments. It is natural to compare ourselves with others but when you keep doing it this will lower your self-esteem and make you feel bad about yourself. Set goals for yourself to build your confidence and relearn behavior to improve your opinion of yourself. Remove the comparative thoughts from your mind, realize that idealizing someone is unrealistic. Work hard to achieve your goals because the comparison is the thief of joy.

7. Find Your Purpose

Some people live their whole life but do not find the purpose of their life. But it is very important to find the purpose of your life. It can be anything, you do not need to follow others. Once you find the purpose of your life everything that happens with you will start making sense. There is no limit for you to have a purpose you can have as many as you want. There are no boundaries you can find purpose in different situations at different points in life. Following your purpose can unleash greatness in everyone.  

8. Make Time To Get In Touch With Your Soul


Once you learn to connect with your soul each day life will flow more naturally and taking actions will be less struggle. By getting in touch with your soul you feel a great sense of freedom, joy, satisfaction, empowerment, and also inner peace. You do not have to sit in a quiet room for hours to be in touch with your soul. Just by spending time with nature, writing a journal, meditating, or even traveling solo, you can connect with your soul.

9. Speak And Think Positive

Not only do people say it but it is written in a lot of books as well to think and be positive. But it is not very easy to think and speak positively always. Thinking of what you want and being focused on achieving that will make you positive without doing much. Positive self-talk has proven to be one of the best ways to lead a happy life. Self-talk is very important as these are the messages that determine whether you should keep trying something or not. While talking with other users as much as positive words you can use. This creates a positive vibration and helps make your mind a positive.

10. Do Not Fear Failures

We have saved the best rule of last. Just keep in mind that failure is the road to success. If you read about some of the greatest people you will find that they tried multiple times and failed multiple times. Do not allow fear to hold you back from trying. Keep telling yourself that you can do it. Your efforts are never in vain if you see failure as an opportunity to try again and take a fresh approach. Fear of failure holds back a lot of people from even trying to succeed.

Thank you,


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