Difference between Consultant, Coach and a Trainer.

Let's understand the real difference between these 3 widely used terms by L&D professionals.


The terms Coaching, Training and consulting are widely used by Learning and Development professionals but most of the time, professionals themselves are not sure what they intent to offer. However, all 3 are used to solve individual’s as well as group’s issues in precisely the same manner. But in reality, the strategies are totally different, and each should be used as per the need, to get the maximum impact.

So, the contrast between Consulting, Coaching, and Training can be clarified along these lines:

1. Consulting guides your people ‘what to do’

2. Coaching poses provocative questions to establish an environment where individuals ‘want to do’.

3. Training shows an expertise so they know ‘how to do’.


Let’s learn these 3 in detail -

Consulting: Consultants evaluate, recommend solutions and guide representatives or organizations when they are out of solutions. Consultants are commonly specialists in their industry, have a plan and offer responses to their customers. Their success is typically estimated by the arrangement or solution they offer to the client or customer, not on the off chance that the customer has effectively conveyed the arrangement all alone.

Consultants have the expertise and have been known to offer solutions straightforwardly to Leadership team who are then expected to impart down utilizing their own ideal methodologies or procedure, which may result into coaching or training.

Coaching: A Coach or mentor's goal is to help an individual or organization get "un-stuck," and also to help in pushing ahead through activity. A mentor’s goal will likely to get a client from their current state to a future, effective state. Leaders will quite often consult a coach or mentor when they have group of people or employees who are incredible but aren’t performing up to their true capacity or potential.

A Coach energizes clients by posing open-ended questions that clients might have never asked or considered themselves. The responses to these inquiries are utilized by the coach to make ground-breaking contemplations which eventually bring new emotions that drive new activities or changes. The Employees will push since they need to push ahead, not on the grounds that they are told to push ahead.

Training: Training ought to be conducted when there's a need to teach a particular ability. It's conducted when an individual or a group doesn't have the fair idea how to accomplish something. Training is generally delivered for a group or in a group - nonetheless, facilitators – who are conducting the training feel that one-on-one sessions might be more significant. Trainers comprehend adult learning styles to keep the sessions engaging and to ensure members or trainees acquire and hold new skills or abilities to apply at workplace.

Knowing when to convey and conduct the ideal solution for client is the key part here. There are circumstances, where all methods are needed at various occasions to accomplish the client's particular objectives.


For instance, a consultant working with a car showroom fully intent on increasing productivity may realize that their sales channel is broken. Consultant will let the vendor know what is not productive and give solutions by giving a new/refreshed method. The vendor then, at that point, recruits a Trainer to conduct the new methods to the train the group. But let’s assume the Immediate managers aren’t ready or uncomfortable for new methods. Now, a Coach is deployed by Leadership team for managers to get the support and methods applied in right direction.  

Whether a company is utilizing a recruited Consultant, coach or a Trainer or their inhouse resource, knowing the distinction between these three is a distinct advantage for any organization and in particular, also for the Training or coaching professionals.

We hope this must have given you a clarity on these 3 widely used terms and if you are Trainer, consultant or a coach we invite you to register as a Trainer at ICARIANS – A platform intentionally designed and developed to serve the Learning and Development Industry to foster learning in a bigger spectrum and also its professionals to increase their visibility and authenticity.  

Do visit www.icarians.net and trainers.icarians.net for more information. We’d love to see you onboard.