The Trap of Happiness

You don't have to perform everytime - Yes you heard that right.


Happiness comes from within, it’s not things that make us happy it’s our inner satisfaction that gives us the feeling of happiness. “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” Being happy always is not possible and not even needed. 

Too much happiness can also make a person selfish and less successful. Although happiness does have a lot of benefits, sadness in our life lets us be grateful for the moments that give us satisfaction and happiness. Sadness tells us the importance of being happy. Hence it is okay if someone is not being happy all the time. 

There is no need for us to make happiness a trap. All the emotions in life are important as we learn something from every emotion. We are sharing a few of the points with you which will let you realize why it is not mandatory for you to be happy all the time. 


Why Is It Okay To Not Be Happy All The Time? Find this out below..

1. Notice Your Emotions 

Our emotions give us many signs of what we actually want in our life. But the problem is we generally ignore them and keep struggling in our life. So, it’s very important you take care of your emotions if there is any situation in which you feel sad or unhappy do not force yourself to live and carry on with that situation. If you do not like someone, stay away from that person. If you do not like your work keep working hard to get a better one but do not settle for something you hate doing. Being unhappy or sad sometimes makes us motivated and helps us in coming out from the situations that we do not want to live in. If everything feels fine and if you are happy every time you will never make changes in your life and will never try to chase your dreams. So, it is okay to not be happy all the time.

2. Happiness Does Not Always Mean Fulfillment 

The major difference between happiness and fulfillment is happiness is liking something and fulfillment is loving something. So, it is very important that we look for fulfillment in life instead of just finding happiness. As happiness will change according to situation and people and when it changes we feel shattered. Happiness is what we do and fulfillment is why we do it. Always go for that “Why” you will find your answer whether you should do it or not. There are a lot of meaningless pleasures in our lives for instance if our friend buys something we also start feeling the desire of having it. Without even understanding if the thing we are wasting our money on is worth it or not. These are the things that give us a feeling of happiness but are not actually our happiness. Being happy is not good if it is going to provide you unhappiness later. So, do not just look for happiness, see if something you are doing gives you the feeling of fulfillment or not.

3. Variation Is Important

Imagine a life where a person is always happy. There is no pressure of doing anything, no stress of achieving anything, just a smooth life without any obstacles. Do you think that person will give importance to happiness? No, if a person is always happy that person will never be able to actually get the feeling of happiness. So, it is important that in our lives we feel all kinds of emotion. Unhappiness is important too because after a struggle or a sad day when something happens from which we feel happy, we will be more grateful for life. It is important that we have something in our life to compare to. We should be able to compare our sad and happy days to motivate us and to look forward to life.

4.You don't Have To Perform

Yes, you read that right. Most of the time in our lives we are just performing. We are being fake. We are being something that we are not. If you look around a lot of people are hiding their feelings. Everyone is going through something but no one wants to show it. Our community has made it a big deal to be happy all the time. But the truth is it is okay to be yourself. If you are unhappy show it, if you are sad show that too. There is no shame and you do not look weak by showing your emotions. Social media has become a fake world of people where people are just showing happiness no one wants to show how they are actually feeling. You do not always have to keep a smiling face always. Just be yourself and normalize being unhappy. 



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