
Leaders are born that way: many are formed along the way. After joining the leadership course at Icarians


Leadership is the key to a company, department, or project of any work area. However, finding successful leadership development people in a team is not an easy task. To resolve this question and consolidate a realistic concept about leaders, below, you will learn more about the importance, styles, skills, and myths that exist around this very controversial figure as desired.

Real leadership is the managerial or directive skill par excellence, and it consists of having the ability to influence the way of being of people or in a particular group of people, ensuring that the work is carried out with enthusiasm and focus on achieving goals and objectives.

Thus, a leader is much more than a boss: he is a person who can make wise and timely decisions to lead a workgroup and inspires it to achieve a common goal; is a person capable of taking the initiative, managing, convening, promoting, encouraging, motivating and evaluating to accomplish the business objectives of an area or a company.

Learn Leadership at ICARIANS :-

However, not all leaders are born that way: many are formed along the way. After joining leadership workshops at Icarians, you will learn following things:

  1. Master your area - This is, of course, the first requirement: a leader MUST be an expert in their field. You must have sufficient experience to make projections and face crises, as well as to share your knowledge with others.
  2. Trust yourself - A leader knows his talents well but is also aware of his limitations. Therefore, you can make essential decisions without hesitation.
  3. Be of integrity - A true leader has a deep sense of justice. You are consistent in your thoughts and actions, and you treat the people around you with respect.
  4. Be flexible - Stiffness cannot be part of your way of being and working. 
  5. Take your responsibility - Every genuine leader knows how to take the consequences, whether positive or negative, of their actions. Also, put pride aside to apologize when necessary.
  6. Share responsibilities and achievements - Good leaders know that delegating responsibilities is not a threat to them. On the contrary, they know that it is essential to empower their employees and celebrate successes together.
  7. Be empathetic - That is, to generate a connection with the team members, attend to their needs, and offer solutions to their requests.
  8. Offer feedback - Write down the mistakes and successes of your work team, always respectfully and cordially. Also, be willing to listen to the observations of others.
  9. Have a positive thought - Of all the characteristics of a leader, perhaps being positive is essential. This is because by understanding the potential of positive psychology, you will understand the best way to implement learning in any situation that arises.
  10. Be honest - Truth should always be a leader's greatest weapon. So incentivizing a useful one is one of the most sensible ways to cultivate success.





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