"9 Ways to Give Love and Receive Love"

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."


LoveLanguage Of Life

"Where there is love there is life." Living without love in life is almost impossible and if it is possible it is very painful. Love is described as an emotion, it is a way of life. There are a lot of reasons that can prove the importance of love in our life. Would you survive without love? Imagine there is no person around you who loves you, no doubt that a person’s life will be very hard to live without love. 

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." Acceptance, a level of forgiveness, and patience are things that love teaches us. When a person is in love he gets to know a lot about himself. Love is a path to self-discovery. For many people love is motivation, it motivates them to do something for others, something unique, something that has been never done before. A person feels a lot more positive when he is in love hence love is called the language of life. Love is the greatest feeling of all.

Here are 9 ways to Spread Love Among Others:- 

1. Listen To Others 

In this world of stress where everyone is just running to make their life better. People are just not ready to sit and listen to each other. This is also one of the reasons that family members nowadays are having problems and tensions with each other. Showing love does not mean giving chocolates and red roses to each other but the actual meaning of love is to listen to each other and show care by understanding the feelings of others. Love can increase between partners, friends, family members, and even colleagues only if they just start to listen to each other.  

2. The Complaint Does Not Accuse

Having complaints with others is okay. Nobody can work similar or think similar. Everyone tends to do their work in their own way and they might not do it in your way be it a family member or a friend. But the problem today is when we do not like something we do not talk about that “something” we just talk about someone. Hence the problem increases. The best way to complain about something is to sit and talk about it. Instead of making stories in your mind just clear it with the person what wrong did they do. 

3. Remember Your Promises

Generally, we fulfill the promises we make with our family members because we care about them. But the promises we make with others such as relatives, friends, or neighbors hardly turn promises into reality. So, it is important that if you are giving your words to someone, you should be able to fulfill them as well. To increase love in the world it is important that we treat people equally and if you cannot fulfill a promise because you do not really care about that person so do not do promises to him/her.

4. The Answer Does Not Argue

Nowadays people especially youngsters cannot listen to anything against them even if it is being said for their goodness. The language of love is by answering politely. If someone is accusing you of something that you haven’t done it is important that you clear it. But the way you clear it matters a lot. Sit and clear everything politely, do not argue and try to impose your point on others. It is important that we learn to be assertive and avoid getting into unnecessary disputes, fights, and conflicts.

5. Share Without Expectations

Most of the time there is hate between people because they did not get what they expected from each other. Even if it is a relationship between two partners the fight starts because there are a lot of expectations from each other. If you love someone it is necessary that you share that relationship with another person without having any expectation. Expectations generally kill a relationship. Share and offer things to others without expecting anything in return. A good relationship can only work where there are no secrets and having expectations means you are giving baggage to another person about which he/she is not even aware. So, share but without expectations. 

6. Show Your Trust

If you love someone let them know you love them but not by telling them constantly how much they mean to you but by showing it in your actions. One of the greatest ways to show love is by trusting another person. Generally, there is no trust between relationships today be it a husband-wife relationship, parent and child relationship, or a relationship of friends we are having doubts about the other person in some ways. If you want your partner to love you show how much you trust him/her. This way not only it will make a relationship stronger but also it will have more love. 

7. Show People Their Importance

How will a person love you back? How can you spread the love? The best way is to make people feel important. A person will automatically love you back when they know how much importance they have in your life. There are so many people around us and everyone wants to be acknowledged and appreciated as an individual. Showing others how important they are doing wonders. Think about you, don't you want to feel important? How would you feel if someone treats you in a way that you are one of the precious things in his life? The feeling will be amazing. You would want to love that person back in the same way. Hence, let people feel useful and loved.

8. Be Tolerant

We all think about ourselves. The most important person in our life is ourselves. All of us are self-conscious, there is nothing wrong with it but your self-consciousness should not harm anyone. Think about you but do not forget others in it. No one around you is perfect, even not you. So, treat others as humans. Even if someone makes a mistake, learn to let it go instead of being intolerant about it and harming others. Being tolerant to others means you give them the opportunity to get themselves back, let us give others a chance to try again, and empower them with the knowledge of other options that they can take. 

9. Do Things That Others Enjoy

Have you ever tried to help someone? Did you ever make anyone smile? Isn’t it a great feeling when we make others happy? Yes, sometimes it is important that we do things for others. The feeling of making others smile cannot be compared to anything else. Start showing love and passion about something that your loved ones like to do. Even if it is a small thing such as making a cup of tea or coffee for someone do not make fun or laugh at what others enjoy to do instead sit with them and do that thing. Most of the couples break up today because the partners think that their likes and dislikes are not similar. Their choices are different. So, it is important that we accept doing the things that our loved ones enjoy. 

Hope you find it applicable. 

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