Ten Secrets of Successful Training

Lets get deep into some effective ways of running a Successful Training Program


Ten Successful Ways of Running a Training Session - 

1. Match the content to the understanding level.

One common mistake trainers commit is to be led away by the high level of training material they have, and design a training program that is beyond the understanding level of the participants. You need to research the background of the participants before picking the content and activities of your training program.

2. Adopt an interactive mode of delivery.

Using an interactive approach in training makes the participants feel part of the workshop and retains their continued interest. It also gives you an immediate feedback on the level of understanding of the participants and enables you to clarify any doubts immediately.

3. Do not spoon feed.

Ask leading questions to solicit answers from the participants. You can even drop hints, or display a picture that reveals the solution. Let them exercise their brains. For example, if using a power point presentation to explain things, it might be a good idea to arrange information in question-answer form, and let the participants discuss the possible answers before you display the appropriate information on the slide.

4. Avoid using jargons and difficult words.

While it may be acceptable to use jargons and technical words while training computer professionals or engineers who understand their meaning, to a non-technical person it would be futile. “Keep it simple” is the best technique to apply in case of training novices.

5. Set achievable goals.

Be aware of the limits of your students before setting the desired goals to be achieved at the end of your training session. Setting high goals will cause frustration and dejection, and you will defeat the purpose of your training session. Your approach towards goal realization should be a step-by-step technique

6. Be prepared to adapt and improvise.

Even though you have covered all aspects while designing your training, be prepared and make contingency plans for unexpected occurrences or difficulties faced by the participants. - A trainer once designed an ice breaking session for computer operators which involved physical activities, being unaware that three of the participants had some sort of physical disability. Or the case of a trainer who made an elaborate power point presentation only to find that the place he had to conduct the training had erratic power supply with no back-up facilities. (So Be Prepared)

7. Optimize your training sessions. 

Having loads of training material which require a long drawn training session does not mean that your participants are ready to absorb everything you give them, keeping agog for several hours. Keep the training sessions to the optimum time level based on the attention span of your participants. Allow for short breaks between training sessions so that your participants can unwind. Avoid monotony by inserting variable activities in your training program.

8. Reinforce the learning

The learning can be reinforced through follow up activities and short references to the points covered earlier from time to time. If your students are unable to grasp a particular skill despite repeated attempts, try some new approach as continuous repetition of the same activity may become boring.

9. Keep the energy level high. 

It’s important to keep all the participants interested and absorbed in your training sessions. Frequent motivation and positive feedback will keep the enthusiasm owing.

10. Ensure follow up action.

To ensure that your training program has been successful, do follow up activities a few weeks after the training activity to find out if the participants have retained the skills or knowledge you have imparted, or some corrective action is required. This follow up activity will also help you to uncover possible flaws in your training methodology and help you to design more effective sessions next time.


Hope it helps. Happy Learning

ICARIANS - Trainers Hub