Function of a Manager

There are so many functions of a manager but here I will try to designate some of the very important functions.

  1. Planning - If people working in groups have to perform effectively, they should know in advance what is to be done, what activities they have to perform in order to do what is to be done, and when it is to be done. Planning is concerned with 'what', 'how, and 'when' of performance. It is deciding in the present about the future objectives and the courses of action for their achievement.

    2. Directing - The function of leading the employees to perform efficiently, and contribute their optimum to the achievement of organizational objectives. Jobs assigned to subordinates have to be explained and clarified, they have to be provided proper guidance in job performance.

    3. Organizing - Organizing involves identification of activities required for the achievement of objectives and implementation of plans. Every manager has to decide what activities have to be undertaken in his department or section for the achievement of the goals entrusted to him.

    4. Controlling - Controlling is the function of ensuring that the departmental and individual performances are consistent with the predetermined objectives and goals. Deviations from objectives and plans have to be identified and investigated, and correction action should be taken.

    Apart from these four, I 'll also like to mention that staffing and coordination are no less important aspects to understand complete functions of a manager.


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