3 Reasons you are Struggling as a Coach

Find out the possible reasons of why you are still unsure about your presence in training Industry.


 I was reading an article of ICF, that there are over 70,000 Trainers or coaches on an average are earning between $39,100- $89,100 annually with a median income of $70,000. But Still, as I keep talking to trainers, most of them are still struggling in multiple ways. Undoubtedly, There are some pain points which needs to get addressed in today's digital landscape.

You need to ask yourself this: “Am I a bad coach or do I need to fix my methods?”

Just go through this article below, it might also help you reconsider few of your methods.


3 Reasons you are still struggling as a Coach


1. You are still not on a “Mission”

Just imagine any brand like Nike, Apple, Tata, Tesla etc. What is the one thing common about them?

“They are on a mission.”

They wake up each day like they have to or need to contribute to society. They have a purpose to fuel them up and you as a trainer are certainly missing it. An individual or brand who has no clarity gets lost too soon and you are still far away from that clarity.

That’s also the reason you keep on complaining, questioning, doubting what you are try to build or create.


2. Your “Uniqueness” is still Missing  

I believe you know that, that are on fingerprints like yours in this entire universe. God has already made you unique. But just because of your own disability of not making decisions on time is gradually killing your uniqueness.

Even you know that, there is something still missing but you are still paralyzed with the thought of making a shift. So what you do, you try to copy others to do something which you feel accepted and you end up doing what everyone else’s is doing.


3. You don’t know your own best way of “Communication”.

Your communication and communication methods are too weak or broken. Either you don’t convey or convey in such a way that it doesn’t appeal or doesn’t look credible.

Posting random stuff on your social media has also confused your audience about your expertise and the low quality of content has also conveyed that either you not professional or not that serious.


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to understand how I can help you to grow further - https://icarians.net/download-business-guide


Cheers to Life,

Abhishek Rajput