The Biggest problem in Coaching Industry

"You need to understand the fact that A certification doesn't certify your success."


Have you ever seen an ad which says - 

Become a Lawyer in 30 days..?

Or a post which says become a Doctor in 90 days ?

Or "7 steps to get your first patient" ?

Or an article claiming to make you a teacher in 60 days..?

I am sure you must not have seen anything like that. 

But I bet, you must have seen an ad like -

"Become a Certified Coach in 30 days" or,
"Become a Certified Corporate trainer in 7 days"
"Get your first coaching client in just 3 days"

The coaching industry is full of these types of promises, relying on coach's desperation to succeed.

You know why this is happening..?
The easiest thing in the coaching industry is to get a certificate or to get certified.

Regardless of your expertise and experience you can still be called as a Coach because you have xyz certification.

And that's the biggest problem of coaching as an industry - that almost anyone can call or flaunt themselves as a ‘Coach’, and try to make money out of it.

But the reality is -
Most coaches get frustrated in just 2 months because they don't see anything happening. Nobody is approaching them. No clients. No money. And those who certified you as a Trainer or claimed to get you a client in just 3 days are out of your sight or missing.

"You need to understand the fact that A certification doesn't certify your success."

"No one talks about the roadmap after getting these certifications"


"Trust me I am not against getting certifications."

But we all need to understand that - 

Getting certified will just give you some skills in coaching but it cannot offer you a success in finding clients, getting clients and keeping clients.

And this is my point:
Certification is great but it certainly guarantees nothing in terms of your ability to build a coaching business around it.

Because that’s a different skillset.

Being a great, competent plus an experienced coach may help you get your first few clients. But, your ability to coach does not get automatically converted into your ability to market, promote, and generate revenue in your business.

Those are entrepreneurship skills, not coaching competencies.

Now, the question might be - how can we build a business that incorporates all of those unique skill sets, strengths and competencies.

Business runs on systems, a consistent presence, authenticity, transformational commitment and irresistible offer.

Nobody is gonna give you their hard earned money when you are, yourself not sure what and how you gonna offer it, and most importantly what transformation you can bring.

"And thats the challenge I am trying to solve for coaches and coaching industry with the knowledge, Ideation, execution, manual support and Online Portal I bring on the table. 

I promise you no fake certificates, no fake commitment of 3 days, 5 days, 30 days, and no get clients quickly schemes here.

I offer you a complete support system of building you and your business around your expertise with all the strategies and frameworks in one year time frame."

I have multiple options for you to proceed further.

And if you are an institution offering certification to trainers, this could be a Gold mine for you to increase the value of your certificates. 

Get our business guide from this link below to understand how we can work together.

The Business Guide -

Looking forward. 


Cheers to Life,

Abhishek Rajput