6 ways to Take control of Your Life.

Everyone says, take control of your life - but what it actually means -


Back in 2013, when I began #researching about my own Life after being in corporate career for about 4 years.

Dramatically, I was going through #professional and personal crises which I was trying take control of.

I knew only one thing - #Don't Stop Learning.

This was the self realization which was floored by some of the advices and #stories as I never stopped learning from people I met.

Rather than #learning about huge catastrophic changes that can alter lives, I #observed more about tiny, daily mindset shifts that could assist me see this entire world in absolutely different, #empowering and in positive ways.

Sometimes taking back control of your #life starts with realization and rediscovering what makes you tick, and kick to take care of yourself, or creating time for the people and things that you actually #Love and Live for.

Here are 6 tips from that Experience of Learning and unlearning which also illustrate what’s #possible for humans to take #control of your Life.
1. Show Up 

Without the ability of showing up, You'll always let others dictate your Life. 

2. Irrational Grit 

I have a feeling "Tomorrow wiill be better " is different from "Lets resolve this to make tomorrow better"

3. Self beiief 

Clear Vision + Self belief + Relentless Consistency = You get what you want. 

4. The Blind Spots -

Never Stop Learning. 

You need to find those blind spots which needs more learning and more training. 

Stay Humble and Clear those Spots. 

5.  No Bullshit 

Clear your inner or close circle with No Bullshit People. Bullshit People are probably those who play a victim of their own life. 

6. Bring the Best

You just can't do everything on your own. Try to find people you can work with or delegate your work with effectiveness.  

And Dont forget to fill them with inspiration each day. 


I hope you'll find it useful.

Keep learning, Keep Growing. 
#icarians #mindset #mindfulness #motivation #personaldevelopment #training #trainer #corporatetraining #discipline