7 Reasons why You still Fail

Explore these reasons and figure out which one you need to work on.


1. King of giving ups

You fail, not because you lack talent, but because you didn't try enough, or you gave up too early.   You are also expecting results in days, months.

2. Committed Hedonist

You party a lot. You prioritize only fun in your life.  You eat lot of junk food. No wonder your life is bit hard.

3. Pushing the Wall

You are just repeating your old actions over and over again.    You are hoping someday it will work without analyzing the effectiveness of your efforts.

4. Excuses Book

You have a self written book which is full of reasons that why you can not succeed.   I don't suggest burning books, but this one you need to. Go ahead use a matchstick.

5. Shallow Discipline

Discipline is the reason any thing worth accomplishing gets done. It takes self control, sacrifice and avoiding distractions at any cost.   And you don't want to pay that cost.

6. The Scared You

You just keep questioning yourself, and regretting every move.  Moreover you are afraid to take risk or talk to people who are above your level.

7. Degree in Procastination

Though you are a graduate or may be Masters in something but along with that you might have a Masters degree in procastination too.   And that has killed most of your dreams.

That You is 'You' if that hits you.

Good news is you know what needs to be done.

Go ahead and get that going.