10 Methods to Increase participation in Training Session

Keeping the participants engaged in a training session has always been a challenging task.


Methods for increasing participation:

1. Open discussion

Ask an open-ended question and open it up for group discussion.R

2. Response cards

Pass out index cards and request anonymous answers.

3. Polling

Verbally poll all participants on a specific question or issue or provide a questionnaire to be filled out and tallied on the spot.

4. Small-group discussion

Divide them in a group and Share and record information.

5. Partners

Instruct people to work together on tasks or key questions.“

6. Go arounds

Go around the group and obtain short responses to key questions.

7. Games

Use popular game formats to elicit participants’ ideas or knowledge.

8. Calling on the next speaker

Ask participants to raise their hands if they want to share their views.

9. Panels

Invite a small number of participants to present their views to the group.

10. Fishbowls

Have a small group form a discussion group in the middle of a larger circle of observers. Key ideas can be brought into focus afterward during a  large group discussion.

Hope you may include all the methods in your Training Session. 

Do share your thoughts in comments.