Social Intelligence vs Emotional Intelligence

The two kinds of intelligence that cannot be measured with an IQ test but are very important for all the individuals out there to have success, leadership qualities, innovation and guidance are social intelligence and emotional intelligence.



Social Intelligence vs Emotional Intelligence


Your intelligence is something that tells about your problem-solving abilities, your spatial manipulation and language attainment. Intelligence is much more than solving a math problem or knowing many languages at a time. It is far more than anyone can imagine. The two kinds of intelligence that cannot be measured with an IQ test but are very important for all the individuals out there to have success, leadership qualities, innovation and guidance are social intelligence and emotional intelligence. 


We have explained both of them below, so you know which one of these do you have more and which one do you need to build. 


What is social intelligence? 


Social intelligence is the capacity to know yourself and the people around you. A social, intelligent individual knows how to play various social roles in daily life. These individuals are successfully able to form communication and make strong relations in their social life. 


Social intelligence can be built from people’s experience and learning from their success and failures. Social intelligence is also called common sense. 


Qualities that a socially intelligent person embraces –

1. A social, intelligent person is an active listener, and that is the reason that they are able to learn more from people around them. They listen, learn and apply the learnings in their life. 

 2. A social, intelligent person analyzes people by the way they behave. A socially intelligent individual knows what to notice in a person’s behaviour. That is also the reason that these individuals become people’s favourite as they know exactly how to behave in front of others to impress them.

3. If you are socially intelligent, you will have social expressiveness skills. That means able to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds and businesses.   


What is emotional intelligence? 


Emotional intelligence is something that many of us lack nowadays. It is the ability to understand your emotions, use them wisely and manage them when these emotions start to affect your life. An emotionally intelligent person knows how to use their feelings in a positive way. 


They can use their emotions to relieve stress, communicate effectively, overcome challenges and empathize with others. An emotionally intelligent person can also handle the emotions of people around them. They can be a great emotional support to those in need because they understand the pain of others. 


 Qualities that an emotionally intelligent person embraces –

1. These people are emotionally aware, which means they know the needs of others. These individuals do not hurt others just for their own good. An emotionally intelligent person is filled with empathy who helps and understands the needs of others.  

2. An emotionally intelligent person is good at processing his emotions. Such as they are a problem solver; with their sharp thinking, they find a solution for every problem they have. Their thinking abilities are so good that these people stay away from stress, depression and anxiety.

3. These people are good at controlling their own feelings. An emotionally intelligent person knows how to use emotions in a way that does not harm him. They know how to take care of their mental health and even help others in managing their mental health. 


Though both of the intelligences have their positives but a person should have a mixture of these equally. You should know when to use social intelligence and when using emotional intelligence is important. A combination of both of these gives a person the skills of self-awareness, self-management and relationship management. So, in order to have growth in your personal as well as professional career, use both of these wisely.