Professional Career in Mobile Application Development

This course will be an introduction to the programming of Android systems but will also emphasize, in multi-platform development platforms.


The knowledge of mobile application programming has gone very quickly from being just knowledge to being a necessity due to the rapid implementation and evolution of mobile platforms.

One of the most widely implemented architectures is provided by the Android system. This training will be an introduction to the programming of Android systems but will also emphasize, in multi-platform development platforms.

It is often said that the programmer's profession requires a very self-taught attitude, and that the success a professional will have in it will depend on it. There is, at the moment, no university degree that offers a bachelor's degree on the activity, but what can be found is that many alternatives and vocational trainings are available in this specialization

What activity does an application developer do?

This professional is in charge of developing or, we could also say, creating mobile applications that companies and institutions use for their activity. These professioanals also come under the the definition of web programmer and that is because part of their knowledge must be based on programming.

This program is for you if:

  • You want a career change or specialize in IT
  • You have graduated and want to start your career in IT
  • Have inertest in coding and mobile applications
  • Like to Create new mobile applications

Where can an application developer work?

The growth of this profession and the positive projections for the future makes it possible for a developer to find work both in public institutions and in private companies. There are cases in which the programmer belongs to the company under a dependency relationship, while situations can also be found in which the professional collaborates on projects, in a freelance way with certain organizations.

At the end of the training from Experts at ICARAINS you will have:

  • Deep understanding of the possibilities of current and future web technology.
  • Completely master the HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript ecosystem.
  • Design and layout professional Web interfaces for any type of desktop, tablet, mobile and smart TV device.
  • Implement interactive design libraries such as JQuery and many others to speed up developments, obtaining high quality and attractive results.
  • Manage video and sound, and develop interactive animations with HTML5 and CSS3 for your sites and applications.
  • Understand and know how to apply fundamental concepts of usability.
  • Implement asynchronous architectures with AJAX and JSON for the creation of dynamic interfaces.
  • Build all kinds of web and mobile applications capable of consuming web services from other pages and API servers.
  • Devise, design and build mobile applications compatible with any type of device, and distribute them in the main mobile stores (Android, iOS, etc).
  • Program Advanced JavaScript.
  • Implement complex projects with the most current tools in the industry such as AngularJS, Bootstrap, Ionic, Grunt, Gulp, Bower, GIT, and many more.
  • Interact with the client and translate their requirements into successful designs




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