In Pursuit of Responsibility

Leadership should encourage taking responsibility.


This happened a few months back. I was busy working when, the help in my house came up to me with a broken coffee mug in her hands and fear in her eyes. When I asked her what happened, all she said was a trembling sorry for having broken the mug by mistake while washing the utensils. I could sense fear had surrounded her and she was ready for a good scolding from my side.

However, when I finished speaking to her, she was surprised as well as relieved. She left the room with a smile on her face and with a sense of composure.

Why? This is what I told her - what has happened has happened. But she needs to take care from now on and be more careful while washing such delicate utensils.

The result of this reaction from my side has lasted till date. She has not only started working more carefully, but she has also been truthful about any other mistake she has done, and she owns up to her mistake with full responsibility. So, she hides nothing and has become more efficient and effective in her work.

This incident made me realize one thing. We all are responsible people. But in order to ensure that we continue to be responsible for all our actions, it is very important that we are not reprimanded in a way which stops us from accepting our mistakes and take up future responsibilities. There is no need to be in pursuit of what we already have within us. We need to appreciate this and ensure that we encourage this trait rather than perform actions to supress it.

So leaders, it is very important for all of us to understand the following:

  • Only a person who works, commits mistakes.
  • Mistakes are a part of our work. If we do not commit mistakes, we will not learn
  • If any of your team member has committed any mistake, react in such a way that the member accepts the mistake also becomes capable of taking additional responsibilities in future.
  • Increase a sense of trust and transparency both ways for effective functioning as a team.
  • Having said this, if you find that members are making mistakes out of sheer callousness, as a responsible leader take action that would act as a positive lesson for other members of the team. The action should result in keeping the team together rather than breaking it.

Hope you all agree..