Professional Humanity

Help your customers to help yourself.


Professional Humanity
Help your customers to help your self
I was in Lake mall today and had a cup of tea a while ago in Gariahat. Suddenly I saw a tea-seller Mr. Buddhadeb Karmmakar, with a unique style; the varieties he was selling was written on his chef cap. I liked it because that was a mode of effective non-verbal communication and can be used as an example in my trainings.
I wanted his photograph for my channel and blogs on FB to communicate about selling skills. I was a little hesitant in asking for photograph as it was the peak time for business hours.
Suddenly, I found out a way. I went to him and asked him the price of a cup of tea. On knowing the price of tea I told him to give me a cup and asked him wheter I can take his photograph or not. He told yes and it was done.
We all sell ourselves, everyday. Every person we communicate to is our customer. If we want the business from others then instead of selling start helping.
I helped him by earning a sale to him. He helped me by letting me take his photograph so that I can use it my channel and blog and so that many others will learn. If I would have just asked for a photograph he may have denied. If he would have denied I may not have given him a sale as I had a cup of tea a while ago.
We both were winners by helping each other.
So friends stop selling to your customers and start helping. The sale will be automatically done.
My learning and benefit-Brushed my skills and got the content I desired.
His learning and benefit-Advised him to put the price as well on the cap so that it gets completed . He has a kid so I told him that if any suggestion is required in his learning and upbringing he can contact me.