Certified NLP Associate Coach Practitioner Program

Certified NLP Associate Coach Practitioner Program

Rs. 6800
Rs. 6800
Course Category
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Course Duration
8Day 16Hours Live Online
Accredited by
Min Qualification
10+2 with zeal to learn new skills and personal mastery tools
Course Certificate
Hard Copy of Certificate by Courier

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) works at subconscious levels with your emotional states, belief systems, memory patterns, habits and limiting beliefs, behavior patterns and many more psychological elements settled in your subconscious. NLP works effectively on those elements that restrict you from achieving your desired outcome; you not only achieve highest level of self motivation and succeed in achieving your goals but also significantly improve your relationships. NLP practitioners are able to maintain consistent resourceful states like calmness, and Joyfulness. You might be struggling with confusions, unclear vision or might be feeling unable to come out of the grip of some habits; all this and more can be addressed effectively through NLP.

In this workshop, we talk and practice various aspects of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and learn the psychology behind this language of mind and how to program this language to gain the desired results. This workshop broadens our horizons in order to have a better and clear view of ourselves. Online is a challenging medium for such knowledge and skill, still, we have worked hard to make it more and more effective. This workshop is a perfect blend of conceptual understanding in simple language and practical aspects attached to it. It's a journey, not to be missed ... <br>OUTCOME TO EXPECT ? <br> <br>Learn how our mind communicate with the external world and create the behaviors that we currently display <br>Learn and acquire super strong belief systems that easily shift your attitude towards positive outcomes <br>Understand your emotional states and flow of energy as related to these and how to manage these states in your favor <br>Learn about 6 pillars of NLP <br>Learn how to develop strong rapport with people, strengthen your relationships and emerge as a leader <br>Learn the art of setting realistic goals and achieve them without procrastination <br>Get rid of your fears and emerge as a fearless and bold personality <br>Understand your timeline and know how you can heal your past and feel your future <br>Know what represents you and how to use your representational system to manage your emotions and states better <br>Remove unwanted compulsive patterns and habits from your life that stops you from achieving your goals <br>much more .. <br> <br>TOPICS COVERED DURING THE PROGRAM <br>- Introduction to NLP and NLP in india <br>- NLP communication model <br>- Subconscious mind and NLP <br>- Well defined goals and outcome <br>- NLP frames <br>- NLP presuppositions <br>- Focus, preframing, and reframing <br>- NLP modalities and sub-modalities <br>- NLP representation systems <br>- Sensory acuity and calibration <br>- Rapport building <br>- State management, anchoring, stacking anchors <br>- Meta modal language patterns <br>- Time line therapy <br>- Swish patterns <br>- Perceptual positioning pattern (relationship) <br>- Conversational hypnosis <br>- fast phobia cure <br>- Circle of excellence … and lot more