Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner

Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner

Rs. 4800
Rs. 4800
Course Category
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Course Duration
2days 12Hours Live Online
Accredited by
Min Qualification
10+2, if you are facing some emotional issues, you are willing to help people in managing their emot
Course Certificate
E Certificate

Our personalities and behavior are the outcome of our emotional setup in our mind. We can train our mind to manage our emotional responses and in turn the emotional reactions of people around us. This is ability and a skill that can be acquired with knowledge and practice. With newly found emotional mechanism can transform us into a completely new human being. <br> <br>What is emotional intelligence or EQ? <br>Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve your career and personal goals. It can also help you to connect with your feelings, turn intention into action, and make informed decisions about what matters most to you. <br>Our personalities and behavior are the outcome of our emotional setup in our mind. We can train our mind to manage our emotional responses and in turn the emotional reactions of people around us. This is ability and a skill that can be acquired with knowledge and practice. With newly found emotional mechanism can transform us into a completely new human being. <br>Program certified from ECNLP, IAPCT and iExplorer India (E Certificate) <br> <br>Emotional intelligence (EI) or EQ training increases participant's capacity for effectively recognizing and managing their own emotions and the emotions of their employees. Participants will walk away with the practical knowledge and specific criteria for improving an employee's emotional intelligence as well as having the concrete strategies for cultivating emotional intelligence in themselves and others.

OUTCOMES TO EXPECT <br>Assess, understand and be aware of your current emotional levels and its implications on you <br>Know and practice tools to develop high degree of emotional maturity in yourself <br>Improve your communication skills to better your interpersonal relations <br>Harness your leadership skills, elicitate empathy <br>Know and practice state management and state shift <br> <br>Know how to deal with harmful emotions as also difficult people <br>Deal effectively with extreme mental states like depression and anxiety <br>Develop strong resilience <br>High degree of EI makes you more adaptable to new environments, more flexible and adjust you better with teams <br>Helps you develop new perspectives for people and environments helping you emerging as great manager and leader <br>Clarity on your vision, purpose & values <br>Managing difficult people <br>Strengthening leadership capabilities <br>Creating more freedom & choice over your mindset. <br> <br>PROGRAM OUTLINE <br> <br>Introduction to emotional intelligence, the science behind, emotional v/s thinking mind <br>Self Awareness, EQ analysis and response mechanism <br>Self Regulation/ Managing Emotions, Gain better control over mind matter and emotions <br>Self Motivation, Balancing Optimism and Pessimism, Reframing <br>Social Awareness, Social Skills, Critical factors and emotional linkages, <br>Relationship Management, Sensory Acuity, Interpretation Skills, Develop Empathy and access to other’s map of the world <br>NLP Communication Process and Submodalities <br>Emotional Strength and Resilience, State Management