Building Confidence

Building Confidence

Rs. 3600
Skills Required
Rs. 3600
Course Category
Course Level
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Course Duration
3 hours
Accredited by
Min Qualification
Course Certificate

We all are born as confident human beings. but somewhere along the way we loose track and find our confidence dwindling. This course will help you regain that confidence and work on being your confident self everyday.

In this course: <br> <br>-What is confidence? Can it be learned <br>-Self image & confidence - how are they related? <br>-How to use failure to shape you <br>-Relating to experiences that provide you with peak confidence <br>-Perfection - the confidence killer <br>-Growth mindset & confidence <br>-How to scale your confidence <br>-Dealing with times of low confidence <br>-Choosing confident wording & language <br>-And More... <br> <br>