Resume Writing & Interviewing Skills

Resume Writing & Interviewing Skills

Rs. 699
Skills Required
Rs. 699
Course Category
Course Level
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Course Duration
6 Hours
Accredited by
Min Qualification
Course Certificate

Overview <br>The program has been designed based on research on what recruiters look for in your resume and how to design your resume to ensure that it gets shortlisted and you get that interview. <br> <br>Also, the program has been designed based on the expertise of interviewers who have been a part of the interview panel for decades. This program enables you to understand what an interviewer wants to hear from their candidates when they ask a specific question. It will enable you to prepare your answers for some common questions with clarity. <br> <br>2 days and 3 hours each day of highly interactive session

You will learn: <br> <br>Smart hacks that will make your resume stand out <br>How to format your resume <br>How to handle gaps, career change, job hopping, long term unemployment etc. <br>Social Media Presence <br>Specific words that your should use and you should avoid <br>Using resume during interviews <br>Turn your weakness into strength in the interview <br>Understand how to handle the most important and common interview questions <br>How to stand out in video interviews <br>How to dress up during interviews and have a positive body language <br>AND MORE........ <br> <br>Note: For Group Sessions pricing is 1200/- per Hour