Microsoft Excel VBA & Macro Training

Microsoft Excel VBA & Macro Training

Rs. 4000 per hour
Rs. 4000 per hour
Course Category
Course Level
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Course Duration
16 hrs
Accredited by
Min Qualification
Course Certificate
Course Completion Certificate

Learn Excel VBA / Macros in 2-5 days and build your own functions and tools which is not there in excel. Equip yourself in automating repetitive task or process and save TAT .

What you can do With Excel VBA: <br> <br> Create a File Explorer using excel <br> Consolidated 1000 Text files in 30 seconds <br> Collate Data from Mutiple sheets/workbooks in seconds <br> Create a Task Manager using Excel <br> Create an MP3 player using Excel <br> Create a File Management tool in Excel <br> Create a Screen Capture Tool in Excel <br> Create a Data Search Engine using Excel <br> Make Excel Speak like a Human <br> MIS Automation <br> Dashboard Report automation <br> Create a foolproof Training/Survey/Feedback Form <br> <br>Join us to Make an Extra Ordinary Difference at your Workplace and be a Winner. <br> <br>We provide corporate it training on advanced excel, advanced powerpoint, excel vba and macros, finance modeling in New Delhi / NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata ,Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Vishakhapatnam & Cochin. <br> <br>Contact: +91-7875726961 <br>Mail: Training.pune@yahoo.com <br>Web: www.excel4all.in