Microsoft Power BI Training
Power BI is a radically new tool in the hands of business enterprises who are overwhelmed with the amount of data at hand and until now did not have a cost-effective tool to extract insights from it. Enter Power BI which is a set of tools and applications that let you extract data from multiple unrelated sources and convert it into neatly managed and coherent set of information, visually appealing insights, interactive data, charts, graphs and reports.
Takeaway: <br> <br>Get an in-depth understanding of Power BI and how it works in different scenarios <br>Learn about the three vital components - the Desktop, service, and Mobile apps <br>Visualize and analyze data, derive insights from Excel spreadsheet or local database <br>Create compelling reports, visualizations, derive real-time insights and deploy it on demand <br>Create, share, collaborate and benefit from business information with purpose-built dashboards <br>Know how to get work done without being a Business Intelligence professional <br>Use Salesforce Data, Azure SQL Database & SQL server analysis tabular data <br>Deploy content packs to work with Quick Books online and Adobe analytics <br>Complete live Projects on Power BI to get hands-on experience.