Stand out in all your interviews

Stand out in all your interviews

Rs. Rs 3999
Rs. Rs 3999
Course Category
Course Level
Sold by
Haarrdika Rajdev
Course Duration
5 Days
Accredited by
NIST, SofWeb Consultancy
Min Qualification
Class 12 passed
Course Certificate

The key goal of the training is to get the individuals ready to face the job market through overall personality development and award them dual certification - by NIST (Government of India recognized) and SofWeb Consultancy (ISO certified).

The employability program is aimed at college students looking to make it into the Corporate World.
Major topics covered include:
1. Personality Development (Basics)
2. Personality Development (Advanced)
3. Communication Skills Development
4. Resume Writing
5. Interview Preparation
6. Networking Techniques
7. Team Building
8. Leadership Skills

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