Have you ever thought, what can be more important than Education..!

Elon Musk once mentioned, "You can have all the degrees in the World, and still be an idiot."

Education is the foundation what all we do in our lives, it shapes who we are and what we aspire to be.

But Education doesn't mean your degrees or certificates. One can have degrees and certificates but still be uneducated.

If you observe closely, You can find countless examples of people around you who are not that educated but they are more successful than some Highly Educated ones.

There are two common qualities you'll find in them.

• Number 1 - How they treat others.

You must have heard a slang in Hindi - 'padhe likhe gawaanr'.

Why people use it, and who they use it for..!

If you notice, people use this slang for someone who looks good and appears to be educated, but still they don't have a common 'human' sense or they do not know how to talk, respect or deal with others.

Your behaviour with others is way more important than your Education which not only open endless opportunities for you but also get you a respect that too without making any investments or efforts.

• Number 2 - Creativity

Along with learning and unlearning there is one crucial aspect of human mind, and that is Creativity.

It is creativity of human mind which open endless possibilities, which fuels innovation, bring Inspiration, create a vision and drive imagination.

These all collectively motivates you to gain more knowledge and brainstorm that one idea for which you can live or die for.

And surprisingly, creativity has no relationship with Education.

So if someone asks me what is more important than Education, My answer would be -
1. How you treat others and
2. Your creativity.

What all you need is right behaviour and little creativity to explore permutations, combinations of endless possibilities to achieve what you truly want.
By the way, what is that one thing which is more important for you than Education..!
#education #learning #people #creativity #trainers
