Imagine working in a team where it’s safe to take risks—in a team where mistakes are not held against you. Imagine working with colleagues who can raise tough problems and issues with people who accept others as being different, who feel safe to ask others for help, and who value you and your unique talents. If you recognize yourself (and your team) in this description, you can assume you work in a "psychologically safe" environment.

"Psychologically Safety" - A concept that was developed in the 1990s and brought to the masses by a Harvard professor has managed to prove its importance at workplaces in 2020 with remote working and hybrid workplaces mushrooming!

However even today, it is common for employees to feel anxious about speaking up, sharing concerns, questions or ideas. Motivating employees through fear and intimidation worked in the industrial age. In today's day and age, it is a recipe for disaster!

A litmus test for an organisation's character is to ask yourself - "What happens here when people make mistakes?"

A psychologically safe climate at work sets the stage for a more engaged, more collaborative and more challenging workplace. Over the next few weeks we intend to list out some ideas and practices to create a safe-to-fail environment for each other at your workplace.

In the meantime, it would be great to hear what are your ideas for creating psychological safety? What are your tips? How do you create a psychologically safe climate at your workplace? Are you allowing your organization to have a voice?

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