Power of Personal Appearance.
Feeling confident about your appearance enhances your self-confidence and attitude not only in the workplace but also in a social environment. We encourage everyone to feel comfortable with what they choose to wear but remember, dress for the job you want, not the job you have!

15 tips for maintaining a professional workplace apperance.
Understand what’s appropriate in your industry
Make sure your clothes fit.
Wear glasses that fit.
Pay attention to your bag.
Don't wear strong perfume.
Wear well-kept, polished shoes.
Don't over-accessorize.
Your jewelry shouldn't make noise.
Pay attention to your watch.
Follow proper grooming methods.
Facial hair shouldn't overwhelm your face.
Trim your beard.
Wear rich colors to portray authority.
Avoid neon colors and overly flashy clothes.
Plan your wardrobe before a client meeting.
