Do you agree that Business Etiquettes is like any #ritual in your life which has to be practiced/done everyday like praying, brushing teeth, having tea or reaching office in a fixed time?
Be it in #society or at #workplace one is expected to #behave in certain manner as well as follow certain processes and practices. Each organization has its own code of conduct and ethics which should be adhered to.

Many say I am good the way I am, don’t need to learn #businessetiquette. I say ‘fantastic’. Only one question for you – are you respected well by your colleagues, recognised by your seniors, get good response from your clients and see yourself in the work growth scale?

For more understanding and guidance will be posting regular #tips on business etiquettes.
If you need #help, just message me or connect with me on

#ethics #work #business #softskillsdevelopment #softskilltrainer #businessetiquette
