Hello Icarians,

Since I am in shifting my career from Retail segment (12+yrs) to soft-skill training I am finding it very tough when I come across all the stalwarts here who speak of Leadership and Development and their experience as trainer/coach over many many years.

But yesterday, when Tarunji was doing the zoom sessions on L&D, I realised that my beliefs and actions as a Leader and the way I functioned led to development not of only the company but also of myself as well as the people I worked with during those 12+ years working in Retail.
Infact I felt awesome for myself and confident again. My faith in myself became stronger, all what I need is good networking and referrals to keep pursuing my love for training and youth counselling.

For those who do not know me to tell you'll, I have worked as a trainer for nearly 4-5 years successfully, but then had to drop because of certain circumstances.
Learning never stopped for me, and I guess that is one of the reasons I feel more positive than ever.

Sharing one of the pics of full day workshop which I designed called ROBE, on Business Etiquettes.

Looking forward to new journey....
