Signs You Need A Career Counsellor

1. Clueless about your goals
Living a life without a direction is almost like not living at all. It is essential to have something that excites you and makes you happy. Analyze the best career choice for you to have the lifestyle you want to live. Taking help from family and friends is not enough; you need to have a career counsellor who will guide you and design your career path with the least number of obstacles.

2. A graduate but do not know where to go next.
Till the time you do not graduate, your life seems simple because you know what you are going to do next. But as soon as those three or four years of your graduation life pass, you come to a position where you have no idea what to do next. You might feel empty or unhappy. Good career counselling will make you ready for long successful professional life ahead.

3. Working somewhere but not satisfied where your life is going
Every job has its highs and lows, but when you are working somewhere, see yourself doing that for the next ten years. If this thought makes you scared, it means you have chosen the right career path for yourself. With the proper career guidance, you will be able to find the right job for which you are suited.

4. Lack of focus
You might have a lot of talent, but you cannot concentrate on one thing for long. Career guides will match your interest, personality, skills and more against a number of career options and suggest the top ones accordingly.
