
Accepting Children Unconditionally

Rs 249
Rs 249
#Slow Learners #parents#children#teachers

“A Lot of Parents Will Do Anything for Their Kids Except Let Them Be Themselves”

Parenting entails raising your child to be a self-sufficient human being. To help your kid develop not just physically but also intellectually, emotionally, and socially for them to have a more successful life. This book will help you understand your child's difficulties and techniques for dealing with them.

Parenting is difficult; parents struggle with every issue, but they love their children more than anything else. That is the allure of parenting. The book shows how parents may assist their children, learn and build confidence in their daily activities by demonstrating unconditional love, care, and acceptance.
Each of us is distinct in our way. We all go at our own pace. Every day, we all deal with our day-to-day challenges and do our utmost to overcome them without letting others know how hard we are working. Children are particularly vulnerable. Perhaps the children are too young to understand this judgmental environment. Their limited understanding is bewildered by the language that various people use for them.

This book covers two major topics. SLOW PROCESSING SPEED IN CHILDREN AND WHY DO CHILDREN ACT UP." Parents are unaware of the reasons why their child struggles to complete normal tasks that other kids effortlessly do. And feel contempt, as they battle every day, from cleaning their teeth in the morning to getting them to sleep at night. Without seeing their child's hardship, parents continue to expect that they catch pace with others. The child is frequently labelled as sluggish or stubborn and chastised for not doing it on purpose, but the truth is that he cannot.

There is indeed a reason for every action. We are often taken aback by the behaviour of our children.
The book's first chapter poses the probing question: "Why is my child slow?" Through examples, the chapter explains sluggish processing speed and the reasons for it.
The second chapter addresses the topic, "Why do children misbehave?" Act Up is described, as well as why it exists.
The solutions for dealing with sluggish processing speed and acting up are covered in the third and fourth chapters.
Throughout Chapter 5, I provided my commandments, which I would observe in my life as I learned the causes of slow processing speed and behaviour problems in children.
In a nutshell, the book urges parents to see the world through their child's eyes rather than expressing and pushing their preferences and interests on the child. Parenting is all about instilling in your child the confidence to spread his or her wings and soar


"Accepting Children Unconditionally" book is about children who have been subjected the yelling, name-calling, spanking, and shouting as a result of their sluggish processing speed and behaving. Children with poor processing speeds are wrongly assumed by their parents and instructors, to be sluggish, negligent and stubborn due to ignorance.
According to the book, slow processing speed is connected to the process of conveying information to the brain and has nothing to do with intellect.
The book shows that every action has a purpose, yet as adults, we overlook the symptoms of that behaviour. The book also addresses the causes behind the sluggish processing speed and Act Up.
The book provides ways for dealing with sluggish processing speed and acting out.
The book seeks to persuade parents of the value of knowing their children.
Once parents have determined the cause of the behaviour or process, they may collaborate on developmental goals.

Pages: 48 Pages
Cover Design: 2
Publisher: amazon & notion press
Language: English
ISBN: 9781234567890
Released: 1st December,2020