
Bounce Forward with your Baby


Bounce forward with your baby talks about postpartum struggle of a new mom and the best ways to tackle them. Book also give ayurvedic practices for healthy weight loss and getting vitality and strength back.

Description-This book is a new mother savior. It deals with the critical struggles of a new mother like Postpartum depression, Breastfeeding, Sleep deprivation and relationship issues.In the first section i have discussed these problems in detail and the best possible ways to deal with them.
In the next section, i have discussed the ayurvedic postpartum regimen, which is an excellent way to help postpartum woman gain her vitality, strength and health back. A new mom is prone to many diseases, so these guidelines not only improves her physiological condition but also protects her from upcoming diseases.
The third part deals with healthy weight loss, where I have discussed lifestyle ideas for healthy weight loss and effective exercise plan, which is easy to incorporate. It includes yoga and meditation. In the end, I have a bonus for you. Check on the last page of the book for more information. Ladies, You have become a mother. This year gift yourself with A NEW LIFE using
life coaching. It will give new launch to your life.

Pages: 71 Pages
Cover Design: ICARIANS
Publisher: Amazon Kindle
Language: English
Released: 17-09-2020