
Emotional Or Practical – Which One Are You?

Emotions, feelings, being practical, anger, happiness

Should you be emotional or practical or a mixture of both. Do you know what kind of person you are? Let’s find out everything about being practical and being emotional. You will hear a lot of people saying be practical, “Being emotional will not win you the race of life today” and many other things like this. But what if you have strong emotions, you get emotional easily. But the truth is being emotional or feeling countless emotions is okay.

Should you be emotional or practical or a mixture of both. Do you know what kind of person you are? Let’s find out everything about being practical and being emotional. You will hear a lot of people saying be practical, “Being emotional will not win you the race of life today” and many other things like this. But what if you have strong emotions, you get emotional easily. But the truth is being emotional or feeling countless emotions is okay.

Pages: 8 Pages
Cover Design: ICARIANS
Publisher: ICARIANS
Language: English
Released: 2021